Restoring broken lives through Christ

Renewal Ranch | About Us | 2024 Video | Addiction Recovery
Renewal Ranch is a faith based residential addiction recovery program for men ages 21 and older. It is located on 138 acres near Conway, Arkansas. Founded on the belief that addiction is a spiritually rooted issue, Renewal Ranch is on the front line of a battle against the addiction crisis that is gripping our nation.
Renewal Ranch residents are shepherded and loved through two distinct phases of the Renewal Ranch program. This 12-month program includes counseling, teaching, Bible study, work, and volunteer service.
Residents are given the opportunity to develop a personal love relationship with Jesus Christ, and that changes everything! Through this relationship, they can find freedom from the chains of addiction, forgiveness from their past, and hope for their future.
We have seen countless lives changed through the Renewal Ranch ministry.
A remarkable number of men are rescued from the bonds of addiction while at Renewal Ranch. Fifty percent of the men accepted into our program successfully graduate after approximately one year.
Traditional secular addiction abuse and recovery programs have a comparatively small rate of rehabilitation. According to various studies and reports, less than five percent of participants in secular programs are able to achieve long-term sobriety.
We believe the promise of 2 Corinthians 5:17 to every resident:
“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person.
The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”

Renewal Ranch celebrated 12 years of operation in 2023. The program opened its doors to eight men in January 2011 and now can serve 60-plus men and their families each year.
During the past 12 years, over 715 men have participated in our dynamic Christian program. 50% of the men who enter Phase 2 graduate from the year-long program. According to various studies and reports, less than five percent of participants in secular programs can achieve long-term sobriety.
Renewal Ranch residents receive over 600 hours of class time in their first six months of the program, taught by a remarkable group of pastors, staff, community leaders, and business professionals.
Renewal Ranch residents perform over 20,000 hours of community service annually.
The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reported that 109,680 Americans died of drug overdoses in 2022. That is 300 deaths each day! Last year, more than twice as many people died of drug overdoses in America than vehicle accidents.
Drug and alcohol abuse costs taxpayers $600 billion annually.
More than 7 million children live in homes where one of the parents is addicted to alcohol, and 1.6 million children live in homes where one of the parents is addicted to illegal narcotics. In 2022 the American Addiction Centers reported that 35% of 12th graders smoked marijuana in the past year. About 1 in 16 high school seniors use marijuana every day.
Approximately 75% of Renewal Ranch graduates have children. Renewal Ranch desires for every child to have sober parents and every parent to have sober children.
Renewal Ranch has a small intake fee of $500 for our 12-month program. This intake fee covers an initial medical exam, drug screen, and background check from outside resources. Only 40% of men who enter Renewal Ranch can pay the $500 fee. Donations are used to cover some of the fees. Secular rehabilitation programs can cost $1,500 a day.
Renewal Ranch graduates have become police officers, college graduates, a dean of a college, business owners, and ordained ministers. Graduates work in construction, trucking, food industry, sales, and other businesses. Many pursue higher education degrees, technical certifications, and participate on church worship teams. Most importantly, men learn to provide for their families.

For more information about our program click here
If you are seeking to enter the Renewal Ranch program, call Derek Sprague at (501)-889-8263 to schedule your interview and begin the process of healing and restoring your life through a relationship with Jesus Christ! We hope to hear from you soon. In the meantime, may God bless you and keep you safe.
Thank you to Donna Evans Photography for creating numerous significant and engaging photos of the work at Renewal Ranch.