Our Program
An atmosphere of love by volunteers and staff, attempting to mirror the love of God.
Intensive Bible study taught by local pastors, teachers, and staff. Scripture memorization accompanies these studies.
Comradery with fellow residents who are on the same journey and who serve as accountability partners.
Serving others through community work projects and jobs in the bunkhouse.
Through prayer, Bible reading, and meditation as well as self-discipline that comes with serving other residents and being a member of the Renewal Ranch Team.

Phase 1
Phase 1 is designed to teach men Biblical principles for living and to serve others. Residents attend 15 classes weekly taught by local pastors and teachers on Monday through Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday they participate community service and work projects and other work projects. Saturday is a time for chapel services and family visitation. Sunday is devoted to visiting churches throughout Arkansas and beyond.
Phase 1 residents live on our campus and receive the foundations of a spiritual education. Another emphasis in our classes is teaching about the root causes of addiction and how to address them. They are in a classroom setting for at least 570 hours of instruction by local pastors, volunteers, and Renewal Ranch staff.
There are many recreational opportunities on our 138-acre campus including hiking, fishing, volleyball, a fitness room, and a variety of board games. Residents have access to a large library of Christian literature.
Upon entry to Renewal Ranch, each man is placed in a small accountability and study group called a “Discipleship Group.” Each Discipleship Group is led by a staff member. These groups are a serious part of a man’s spiritual and personal development. The small group environment makes it easier for residents to open up to each other and the staff member about their personal struggles and any questions they may have.
In order to be promoted to Transition Phase, residents must complete Phase 1 scripture memorization requirements and be judged spiritually and emotionally ready for Transition Phase by Phase 1 staff.
Phase 2
Phase 2 is the last portion of the Renewal Ranch program and is located off campus in an apartment community near downtown Conway, AR. During Phase 2 each man “walks out” the things he has learned during his time on campus. He is required to work at a full-time job or serve full-time in ministry. He must also fulfill certain requirements in order to graduate the Renewal Ranch program such as participating in a Discipleship Group, becoming involved in a church, attendance at Renewal Ranch chapel services, completing his Man Plan, and meeting regularly with his Disciple Making Partner.
Phase 2 is accountability-based and requires random drug and alcohol testing, nightly curfews, financial accountability, and scheduled check-in times with program staff.
Phase 2 is a community designed to provide support, encouragement, love, and counsel for the men as they prepare to graduate from the program.
Some, if approved, will be allowed to move “home” if they have a healthy relationship with their wife, although these “non-residents” will remain strong community participants.
In order to graduate the program, a man must successfully complete all of the requirements of Phase 2, present a completed Man Plan workbook, be judged ready to graduate by Phase 2 Staff. He is required to write a bible study and present that to Phase 2 staff and residents as well.
Upon graduation, residents are given the option to remain in Phase 2 housing, as long as there is room for incoming residents. This practice provides a man with support for as long as he feels he needs it. Allowing graduates to stay in Phase 2 Housing also creates a culture that allows for graduates to teach and mentor newer residents.

If you are seeking to enter the Renewal Ranch program here's what the process looks like:
The first step is to call or email and schedule an in person interview. These interviews are done on campus and typically range from 20-30 minutes. We just want to hear a little bit of your story and gauge whether or not our program is a good fit for you! Unfortunately if you have a violent or sexual criminal history, we will not be able to accept you into the program. Most medications are not allowed during our program unless medically necessary due to our staff being unable to administer medications.
If you are accepted, you will be given a time and date to report for intake. There is a $500 intake fee which goes towards a physical, drug test, background check and a Bible.
During intake, you will be filled in on the rules and expectations of Renewal Ranch, as well as what you can expect from us!
Sunday: Email Sam Welborn at sam@renewalranch.net
Monday: Call Sam Welborn at 501-428-5279
Tuesday: Call Sam Welborn at 501-428-5279
Wednesday: Call Kyle Sharpe at 501-333-4884
Thursday: Call Kyle Sharpe at 501-333-4884
Friday: Call Justin Riable at 501-274-3722
Saturday: Email Sam Welborn at sam@renewalranch.net
Business Hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
On Sunday, Saturday, and after 4:00 pm on weekdays please send an email and include your Name and Phone Number and we will get in contact with you during normal business hours.
For questions pertaining to the program, please contact Chase Moser at 501-513-7843.
Renewal Ranch, P.O. Box 11128, Conway, AR 72034 • 45 Lake Drive, Houston AR 72070
Renewal Ranch is a 501(c)(3) organization • Tax ID #27-0448349